Have your say on the Proposed REZ
We want to hear your feedback on the Proposed REZ boundaries. Click here to tell us what you think.
The consultation period will now close at 11:59pm on Monday 30 September 2024, AEST.
We have received requests to extend the Proposed North West REZ consultation, so we have extended the closing date to Monday 30 September 2024. The Tasmanian Government would like to provide more time for everyone to send in their submissions.
We look forward to hearing from you soon.
The public consultation for the draft REZ legislation has closed. Feedback will be considered and incorporated into the final drafting of the legislation prior to it being introduced to parliament. For more information on the Bill, please go to the ReCFIT website.
Please note: Consultation on the proposed North West REZ is still open. It will be closing on Monday 30 September 2024.
The REZ team held a community information session in Burnie a few weeks ago. We received a lot of feedback from everyone, and there were many great questions asked.
We decided to compile responses that were given verbally at the session into some questions and answers that provide a record of issues raised.
We’re sorry this has taken a while as we have been busy preparing for the release of the draft REZ legislation that recently opened for public consultation. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.
You can find the responses here. We have tried our best to capture as many questions as possible, but if there are any that we have missed, please feel free to send them though to rez@recfit.tas.gov.au and we will update them as soon as possible.
Tasmania has been able to meet 100% of its electricity needs by renewable energy since 2020. However, Tasmania’s electricity demand is growing. We are seeing electrification of everything from stovetops to factories; all need renewable energy to power them. This, alongside Tasmania’s projected population growth make it clear the state needs to generate more renewable energy.
Tasmania has been able to meet 100% of its electricity needs by renewable energy since 2020. However, Tasmania’s electricity demand is growing. We are seeing electrification of everything from stovetops to factories; all need renewable energy to power them. This, alongside Tasmania’s projected population growth make it clear the state needs to generate more renewable energy.
The Tasmanian Government has been exploring ways to meet this extra energy demand that protects Tasmanian environmental values, supports industry, and benefits Tasmanian communities.
Renewable Energy Zones (REZ) are a way to achieve this.
REZ coordinate new wind, solar, transmission and battery storage projects in areas of abundant renewable resources, while protecting environmental, cultural and social values.
The Tasmanian Government has released a proposed REZ Area for consultation. Shown on the map below, the area is the result of a detailed analysis process and community feedback.
We want to hear your feedback on the Proposed REZ boundaries. Click here to tell us what you think.
From our learnings in 2023, we have been able to shape several elements of our proposed REZ. One of these elements is a regional benefit sharing scheme, designed by community.