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From the 20 May 2024 to the 30 September 2024 we sought feedback on the proposed Renewable Energy Zone (REZ) in north west Tasmania (see map below).

Key points:

  • The development of the Proposed REZ was informed by two years of government analysis and community consultation. This includes the first Mapping Important Places exercise.
  • Your feedback on the Proposed REZ will be considered by the Minister for Energy and Renewables before a REZ is declared.
  • Your feedback will inform the suitability and design of REZ.
  • Any renewable energy projects that elect to build inside a REZ will be subject to the same assessment and environmental approvals processes as those outside of a REZ.
  • Just because land falls within a REZ doesn't mean a project can be built there. There are areas within the candidate zones that are excluded and must be protected on a project basis, e.g. sites of protected habitat, threatened species and cultural heritage sites.
  • REZ in Tasmania will be co-designed with the public and will co-exist sustainably with existing environment and cultural heritage, while benefiting communities.

Proposed REZ

How did we get here?

The process to define Tasmania’s first proposed REZ has involved collaborating with communities to understand important places and partnering with Tasmanian Government agencies to map potential areas that align with good renewables resources.

We have heard that while community are generally supportive of the renewable energy transition, projects need to be in places that maintain the region’s environmental, social, and culture values, and can co-exist with existing industries.

That’s why we have undertaken a comprehensive spatial analysis that incorporated over 60 spatial data layers with more than 380 individual spatial features. These included land use, environmental, heritage, wind speed and solar values. Although not detailed on the below maps, data layers such as land use planning, residential areas, hydrology, existing infrastructure, hazards and terrain also contributed to the analysis. A complete list of data sets utilised is included in the linked Methodology Report.

Note that there are some small pockets of land identified within the proposed REZ as 'very high constraint'. This includes threatened species, sites of cultural heritage, and protected habitats. These sites are not suitable for renewable energy development and would need to be avoided when siting a project within the REZ. See FAQs for further information on why these areas remain within the proposed REZ.

Mapping the north west

Wind resources

Map illustrating wind speeds in the north west of Tasmania

To begin the process of identifying candidate REZ, we mapped out where the strongest winds were within Tasmania. The candidate REZ has very high wind speeds.

Land uses

Map illustrating land uses in the north west Tasmania

We then looked at land uses to identify areas that were compatible and incompatible with renewable energy developments. This considered primary resource land uses such as agriculture, forestry, and mining, and excluded world heritage areas and national parks. Other reserve types vary in their compatibility with renewable energy, and individual developments will have to have regard to specific reserve management objectives based on their proposed project location.

The proposed REZ comprises mostly of land that is compatible with renewable energy development – those generally characterised by altered landscapes such as forestry and grazing.

Appropriate consultation and individual project approval processes will be used to mitigate any impacts of renewable energy developments on existing land uses.


Map illustrating environmental values of north west Tasmania

It was equally important to consider areas of environmental significance.

This map refers to natural values identified through different environmental layers. This included, for example, national parks, known cultural heritage sites and threatened species locations, biodiversity hotspots and migratory bird pathways. A complete list of data layers utilised can be found in the linked Methodology Report.

Solar resources

Map visually displaying the solar resources in the north west of Tasmania.

Along with wind, solar resources were also considered. As this map shows, solar resources are better found in regions other than the north west. Because of this, REZ in the north west will likely host other renewable energy projects, such as wind farms and battery storage.


Results of our mapping important places initiative

Alongside a spatial analysis we held the first Mapping Important Places initiative. We asked community to identify places that were culturally and environmentally important, and places where renewable energy projects could belong.

We identified that the coastal regions are highly valued. These areas host important Aboriginal cultural landscapes, scenic values, important bird habitat and prime agricultural land.

We recognise that the places of high value will need to be considered as we further define, plan, and develop REZ. We will do this by working with Government agencies and local communities to develop ways to minimise impacts and maximise opportunities to enhance these values and important places.

We also held a second Mapping Important Places initiative focusing only on the Proposed REZ. This will help us further refine and characterise the REZ before a declaration is made.

Characteristics of the Proposed REZ